Fortran Program For Secant Method Root

You're right, I'm not sure why on earth I was test m instead of f_xm for the condition, but I've fixed that.. Modified Secant MethodThe problem I seem to be having with negative intervals though is that when I punch in evaluate from [-8,-7] it will display -7 as a solution, however if I enter it as [-7,-8] it will display -8 as the correct solution.

This may cause you grief (like an infinite loop for some pairs [a,b]) I made some modifications last night, after I posted actually.. I note that you don't do any preliminary testing to see that the interval actually contains a zero.. Root Search with the secant method All the Fortran 90 programs listed here are corresponding to the Fortran 77 programs appeared in or related to.. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data The purpose of this program is to calculate the approximate roots of the Sine function on given intervals.

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It is started from two distinct estimates x1 and x2 for the root It is an iterative procedure.. Root Search with the secant method Root Search with the secant method (appeared in the book). Download free pdf to html conversion tool

Numerical Analsysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing, 3rd Ed - Sample Fortran Programs Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing Third Edition David Kincaid & Ward Cheney Sample Fortran Computer Programs This page contains a list of sample Fortran computer programs associated with our textbook.

What is the value of m the first time the DO condition is tested (that is, what is its value just prior to entering the DO loop for the first time? Surely if you're looking for a root you want the value of the function f(m) to approach zero, not the value of m; m is simply the midpoint x-value, which takes on values in your search interval [a,b].. In the following table, each line/entry contains the program name, the page number where it can be found in the textbook, and a brief description.. All the Fortran 90 programs listed here are corresponding to the Fortran 77 programs appeared in or related to.. The intervals are input by the user, and then the do loop continues until the condition (m becomes very close to 0 or equals 0) is met.. The attempt at a solution program bisec IMPLICIT NONE REAL:: a, b, m, f_xa, f_xb, f_xm WRITE (*,*) 'Please enter the interval [A,B]:' READ (*,*) a,b DO!WHILE (ABS(m) > 1E-7) m = (a + b)/2.. I thought about testing end points too, the program seems to work fine for positive and negative values where one of the limits (A or B) is actually the solution.. When evaluating for positive values however, no matter what the order of the numbers, it displays the correct solution.. Elegiac cycle brad mehldau transcription pdf files Secant Method Matlab CodeI wound up initializing m inside the do loop, so it's initial value is the result of the operations on A and B, and it updates through each iteration. ae05505a44